Our Plumbers Repair & Replace Washing Machine Hoses
Your washing machine hose uses more water than most other appliances in your home. These large volumes of water passing through washing machine hoses can take their toll. Compromised or broken water hoses can cause floods that create significant and costly damage to your home. You may be surprised to learn that washing machine hose issues are one of the leading causes of home insurance claims. Our experienced plumbers can replace your washer hoses as soon as you notice potential problems. You should have these hoses replaced if they are at least three years old, even if you haven’t noticed any problems yet. Signs your washer hoses may be wearing out include bulges or cracks in hoses and pooling water or leaks behind the washing machine. Some things you can do include making sure there are at least four inches of clearance from the wall to avoid washer hose kinking, being sure to never leave your house while your washing machine is in operation, and knowing where your washer shutoff valves are so you can minimize damage from a burst washer hose by shutting the water off immediately.