Springtime Plumbing Problems

Apr07 By Home Services Plumbers Plumbing

Spring is finally here, bringing with it the promise of warmer weather, sunnier skies, and fewer gloomy wet days. It’s great news for people, but for plumbing, it is sometimes a different story. The capricious spring weather, in which a stretch of warm days can suddenly be interrupted by a temperature plunge, can be hard for a plumbing system to handle. It’s important to be aware of the plumbing and drainage problems you’re likely to encounter in spring so that you can catch them before they become major issues.

  • Clogged gutters can cause all sorts of trouble. Everything’s growing and blooming in the spring, and this leads to twigs, leaves, and other bits of organic detritus gathering in your gutters. Sometimes your gutters become obstructed, and this can lead to serious water damage. Water might be forced to flow over the sides and onto your roof or siding, which can cause damage to your walls and ceilings. Sometimes, water in the gutters pools unnaturally, which creates problems with mold, corrosion, and pest infestations.
  • Low water pressure is more than an annoyance. If your water pressure becomes inadequate, it may be the result of leaks or another plumbing problem. Multiple instances of dropped water pressure mean it’s time to call a plumber.
  • Leaks that happen over the winter may not be apparent until spring. Pipes expand and contract when the temperature fluctuates, and this can lead to cracks in uninsulated pipes. In addition to low pressure, you might notice dripping or standing water, or your water bill might increase unexpectedly.
  • Spring plant growth can damage your pipes. When roots spread out in search of nutrients, they can obstruct your main line or sewer line. This can contribute to problems with water pressure or drainage.
  • Ineffective drainage can lead to flooding. When the snow melts and the spring rains begin to fall, effective draining is crucial in keeping water away from your home’s foundation. Have your exterior pipes inspected and talk to a landscaper if your property needs a new solution for drainage.
  • Slow draining sinks, showers, bathtubs, and floor drains may mean bigger problems than a clog. There could be a root in the drain line, or there could be significant buildup in your pipes, left over from the excess company and cooking of the holiday season.

No matter what kind of spring plumbing problem you encounter, you can trust Puget Sound Plumbing to get the job done right. For over 20 years, we’ve been taking care of business owners and homeowners in Seattle, and we can meet all your heating, cooling and plumbing needs. Family owned and operated, we provide superior service at affordable prices because our customers are our top priority. For help with your plumbing 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call (206) 350-0079 or contact us through our website.

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