Now That Summer is Here, Save Money on Keeping Your Home Cool!
Electric bills tend to be higher in the summer than any other time of year. The culprit is your air conditioner. Here’s the dilemma: you want to stay cool, but you also hope to keep your energy costs under control. With the right techniques, you can do both! Follow these tips to save money while still keeping your cool this summer.
- Turn on a fan: You know how chilly it gets when the wind blows in the winter? Use this wind chill effect to your advantage in the summer by running the ceiling fan. You’ll feel about 4 degrees cooler, allowing you to turn up the thermostat without becoming uncomfortable. Just remember to turn off the fan when you leave – after all, air circulation has a cooling effect, but it doesn’t actually lower the temperature in the room.
- Avoid heat buildup: During the hottest times of day, avoid activities that generate a lot of heat, such as baking or running the dishwasher or clothes dryer. Save these activities for the evening when your home’s cooling load is lower.
- Keep the sun out: Solar heat gain is a major contributor to high cooling costs, so any shade you can provide for your home will help keep the interior Block the sun with blinds, white-backed reflective curtains, exterior awnings or strategically planted trees.
- Seal air leaks: The tighter your home is, the better it holds onto cooled Seal leaky windows and doors with caulk and weatherstripping to save money on air conditioning.
- Add insulation: Think of a cooler with insulated walls that keep drinks icy for hours. You want your home to work the same way, so make sure you have adequate insulation. The easiest place to boost insulation in an existing home is in the attic.
- Install a programmable thermostat: This upgrade allows you to set the temperature back while you’re away and sleeping to decrease your cooling bills by up to 10 percent. A “smart” thermostat is even better because you can change settings from anywhere to maximize savings, comfort and
- Maintain your air conditioner: It requires a small investment, but a professional tune-up for your AC unit once a year helps it run efficiently for many summers to come.
- Change the filter: Between formal maintenance visits, remember to replace the air filter, a quick task that can lower your cooling costs by 5 to 15 percent. Plan to check the filter once a month and change it when it appears dirty or as recommended by the manufacturer.
See? Saving money on cooling costs is easier than you thought! If you’re ready to upgrade to an energy-saving programmable thermostat, or if it’s time for AC maintenance, please contact Puget Sound Plumbing & Heating at (206) 350-0079. We provide superior cooling services at affordable prices for our Seattle customers.