How to Save Money & Water with Plumbing Fixtures

Sep02 By Plumbing Water
The Shower head spraying the water, WA

Are you familiar with water-saving plumbing fixtures from a decade ago? You probably experienced underwhelming results. If you haven’t tried efficient fixtures since then, it’s time to give them another go. Modern technology means you don’t have to sacrifice water pressure to save water. Here are the types of plumbing fixtures you can install today to help you conserve water, reduce your environmental impact, and lower your utility bills.

Aerated Faucets

Aerators are the key to using less water without affecting pressure. Modern kitchen faucets flow at a rate of 2.2 gallons per minute (gpm) or less, while bathroom faucets are typically capped at 1.5 gpm. The most efficient aerated faucets restrict the flow to 1.0 gpm or even less.

Meanwhile, the aging faucets in your home use 2.5 gpm or more. Conserving a gallon of water per minute adds up quickly over time. You can save even more by turning off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving.

Low-Flow Showerheads

Modern showerheads also come equipped with aerators. This restricts the flow to between 2.0 and 2.5 gpm. Considering that most older showerheads have a flow rate of 3.5 to 5.0 gpm, the upgrade is clearly worth it. Maximize your savings by limiting your showers to five minutes whenever possible.

High-Efficiency Toilets

If your toilet was made before 1993, it probably uses 3.0 to 7.0 gallons per flush (gpf). This is tremendously wasteful considering that today’s high-efficiency toilets (HETs) use 1.3 gpf or less. Dual-flush toilets even have a light flush feature for liquid waste, which uses a measly 0.8 gpf.

Considering that most people use the restroom six or seven times per day, the opportunity for savings is tremendous. Make sure you don’t flush needlessly by tossing your trash into a garbage can, not into the toilet. Breaking this habit also helps prevent plumbing clogs.

Water-Saving Dishwashers

Any dishwasher installed after 2013 must use 5.0 gallons of water or less per cycle. Many newer models exceed this standard, with some using 2.5 gallons or less. Compact dishwashers are even more water-efficient. These appliances make the most out of every drop to ensure they still get your dishes clean. Just remember to wait until the dishwasher is full before running it.

Front-Load Washing Machines

Conventional top-load washers with a center-post agitator use about 40 gallons of water per load. Newer models use half that. Front-load washers are the most water-saving type of washing machines, needing only about 13 gallons of water to wash an average-sized load. To maximize water conservation, only wash large batches, or use the load-detection feature that adjusts the water level as needed.

For help installing new plumbing faucets, toilets, and showerheads, turn to Puget Sound Plumbing and Heating. We have over 20 years of experience providing high-quality plumbing services in the Seattle area. Our team of licensed plumbers can also repair your existing fixtures to keep things flowing smoothly. To schedule services with us, please call (206) 350-0079 or contact us online today.

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